Saturday, February 04, 2006

Postponed Again!

My phase check got postponed again! Man. I was all set to go, too, but the 1/4 SM visibility on both ends of the journey kind of put a damper on things. So we've rescheduled for Monday. The good news is, if my night flight happens tonight, I'll get some experience going to Modesto before my phase check, which will only help me.

I've created a schedule that should have me done by the end of the month. I figure there are 10 flights that have to happen, so I scheduled all of them (except the last two, which are the final phase check and the FAA check ride, which I can't schedule just yet). Here's the schedule:

2/4 1730 - 2100 Sat9849L C-172 PAONight XC
2/6 1330 - 1900 Mon6521J C-172 PAOX-co phase check
2/8 0930 - 1200 Wed9849L C-172 PAOPhase check follow up
2/9 1100 - 1400 Thu6521J C-172 PAOSolo XC
2/9 1730 - 2100 Thu9849L C-172 PAONight XC backup (if needed)
2/10 1330 - 1800 Fri6521J C-172 PAOX-co phase check backup if needed, else long solo XC
2/13 0830 - 1200 Mon6521J C-172 PAOCheck ride prep #1
2/14 1500 - 1800 Tue6521J C-172 PAOCheck ride prep #2
2/16 1500 - 1800 Thu6521J C-172 PAOCheck ride prep #3
2/18 1230 - 1600 Sat6521J C-172 PAOCheck ride prep backup
2/20 0830 - 1200 Mon6521J C-172 PAOCheck ride prep backup

So that includes all the backups and everything I should need, so worst case I should be done with all that and ready for the FAA check ride by the end of the month, with plenty of time to spare. This does assume a LOT of flying, a lot of cooperation from my job, the weather, my girlfriend, the club's scheduling system and airplanes.

In the mean time, I keep re-reading everything hoping to cram bits of information into my head -- I think I finally got the cloud clearances in various airspaces thing mostly down!


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