Monday, February 27, 2006

No Progress

Things have gone frustratingly slow. I wanted to fly on Saturday, but (a) I was tired, (b) it was hazy, and (c) the plane had an oil leak and my booking was cancelled. I wanted to fly this morning, but it's miserable and pouring outside. I'm booked tomorrow morning, but I'm not convinced it'll be any better by then.

I've been unable to book an examiner before March 27, which is a MONTH from now. I'm not really happy about this, as it means I'll need to maintain test-readiness for a really long time. Or I could just forget everything and spend my birthday studying. Either way, not great; I was hoping to fly to a gig in Monterey on March 15, and I was also hoping to fly someplace with my girlfriend for my birthday. Neither trip will happen, barring something unexpected. We'll see what Kevin has to say when he gets back on Wednesday. I guess at least I'll have lots of time to perfect my special landings and my maneuvers, and study for the ground exam.


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