Postponed Phase Check
I was supposed to have my solo cross country phase check last Friday, but we got weathered out. Not by much; it was pretty intermittent but the deciding factor was the cloud cover over the hills at Sunol; we wouldn't have been able to get out. So we postponed to this coming Friday. I flew so much last week I didn't have time to write! On Tuesday I went out solo and did a bunch of landings, and Wednesday I tried but got a failed vacuum pump on run-up. Since I couldn't remember what the vacuum pump did, I taxied back and parked (I've since looked it up).
In the meantime, that gives me a great opportunity to practice my short and soft field landings (and my normal ones!). I met with Kevin on Thursday for a final review, and we figured out that I was flaring too LOW! Wow. I've always had a problem of being too high, avoiding the ground, and now suddenly I'm too low. Actually it's not sudden at all; I think I crept lower and lower over time -- on my first landing on Thursday, I flared about 4 inches off the runway!! I managed a nice smooth landing, but not at all in the proper attitude; the plane was very flat. So we worked on that, and by the end of the day (13 landings in all) I totally had it. I also had short field landings, which are easy as long as I maintain the proper airspeed on the approach.
So I went out this morning; the weather was sketchy again, but it looked good when I got there. There was a cloud system coming in, but I figured I could get some time in before the clouds. So I went out, and my first landing was my best ever!! It was amazing; a great flare, level, patience, patience, back, back, stall warning, dance with the runway, and down! Right on the center line, nice and gentle. That was very cool!
Feeling confident, I did a soft-field takeoff, which went great. As I was on downwind, I saw that the clouds were coming in faster than I'd thought. Still plenty far off, but getting closer. My soft-field landing attempt was not bad; I had a good flare, but I think I didn't quite get the yoke far enough back before landing, and I certainly did not maintain a wheelie after landing. More practice.
As I taxied back, I saw that a cloud had arrived and was just sitting there, exactly on short final, so I terminated. 0.4 hours, 2 landings..but enough to keep it in my head.
On Tuesday I am scheduled for a solo flight in the morning, and if it's nice I want to go to Livermore (LVK) and do some pattern work there. I'm also scheduled for my first night flight with Kevin that evening. Then another practice session on Thursday, and we'll try again for the phase check on Friday.
In the meantime, that gives me a great opportunity to practice my short and soft field landings (and my normal ones!). I met with Kevin on Thursday for a final review, and we figured out that I was flaring too LOW! Wow. I've always had a problem of being too high, avoiding the ground, and now suddenly I'm too low. Actually it's not sudden at all; I think I crept lower and lower over time -- on my first landing on Thursday, I flared about 4 inches off the runway!! I managed a nice smooth landing, but not at all in the proper attitude; the plane was very flat. So we worked on that, and by the end of the day (13 landings in all) I totally had it. I also had short field landings, which are easy as long as I maintain the proper airspeed on the approach.
So I went out this morning; the weather was sketchy again, but it looked good when I got there. There was a cloud system coming in, but I figured I could get some time in before the clouds. So I went out, and my first landing was my best ever!! It was amazing; a great flare, level, patience, patience, back, back, stall warning, dance with the runway, and down! Right on the center line, nice and gentle. That was very cool!
Feeling confident, I did a soft-field takeoff, which went great. As I was on downwind, I saw that the clouds were coming in faster than I'd thought. Still plenty far off, but getting closer. My soft-field landing attempt was not bad; I had a good flare, but I think I didn't quite get the yoke far enough back before landing, and I certainly did not maintain a wheelie after landing. More practice.
As I taxied back, I saw that a cloud had arrived and was just sitting there, exactly on short final, so I terminated. 0.4 hours, 2 landings..but enough to keep it in my head.
On Tuesday I am scheduled for a solo flight in the morning, and if it's nice I want to go to Livermore (LVK) and do some pattern work there. I'm also scheduled for my first night flight with Kevin that evening. Then another practice session on Thursday, and we'll try again for the phase check on Friday.