I went out and got some more practice today, after I convinced myself (with, again, a little help from Kevin) that the 10 knot wind directly along the runway wasn't going to shift and become a direct crosswind. The coolest thing about today was that, given the incredibly nice weather and the high chance of rain tomorrow and for the rest of...the year, I think...it was really busy out today, so it was a challenge to my radio work, and I did very well.
I did have to wait a while to get my initial call in to ground control. But when I did, I rattled off my request like a pro. Someone stepped on me, so I did it again. On my way out, another plane was coming in -- usually the plane coming in has right of way, but in this case I guess I was directly blocking their path, so after a momentary standoff, I went ahead and taxied all the way around the "terminal side." More on that later.
I did my runup, and edged my "ready for takeoff" in amongst a lot of chatter. Based on the traffic level, I'd decided that I'd be best served to leave the airport and work on maneuvers, so I took a right Dumbarton departure (he offered me a right crosswind if I wanted it, but I wanted to go with what was familiar so I declined) and flew out to Sunol. Over the San Antonio reservoir, I did a clearing turn and started practicing steep turns. After a few balky attempts, I realized that I was so concerned about other traffic running into me that I was not concentrating. So a couple of times I tried really concentrating and not worrying about other traffic, and that went much better. I thought about trying slow flight and stalls, but...well, I'd just done about 7 steep turns, and I was feeling like getting back.
So I headed back in to Palo Alto, again with excellent communication, and entered the pattern. I was having a really hard time seeing traffic today for some reason -- I blame my sunglasses -- so I had to be vectored in behind some other aircraft, and had to have my base turn called for me a couple of times. I did a total of 6 landings. The 4th and the 6th were really, really good! The 5th was the worst; it wasn't bad but just not smooth at all, so I went for one more after that. All in all, a good day's work!
Later in the afternoon, my girlfriend and I were driving around looking for something to do, and we ended up in Palo Alto. She suggested that we could go out and watch planes (something we like doing), which we'd done at the departure end of Runway 31 before, but I figured maybe it'd be easier to get to the arrival end of the Runway. Anyway, we wound up seeing a lot of my usual air landmarks from the ground, which was really interesting! We watched 6521J do its runup and do some pattern work; we checked out the "duck pond" which I'm always afraid I'm going to land in, but from ground level you get a good feel for the fact that planes on a normal approach are still pretty far off the ground at that point. I also saw the Palo Alto Airport Terminal, which for some reason I never really realized existed (I'm not sure what I thought the "terminal side" meant!). One of these days I'll have to go in and check it out!
So now the week of intense concentration begins. Let's hope and pray that the weather cooperates. I just need good enough weather to get my work done on Tuesday, and then Friday thru Monday. Sunday is officially my birthday, but I'm delaying it until the following Saturday (which is my birthday according to the Indian calendar).